STYAL WOODS - 28/06/03

This evening we walk through the Southern Woods at the Styal Estate, Cheshire. We start the walk at a car park with toilets just off the B5166, near Wilmslow and walk in a north westerly direction as far as the well known Quarry Bank Mill. The path is easy going and fairly flat. The weather is fine, sunny, dry and warm.

 There are information points at either end of the walk, the walk takes you alongside the River Bollin, after it joins together near the start of the walk with the River Dane.
It is a busy spot tonight, the area is popular with dog walkers, people enjoying picnics and several fishermen were spotted.
The woods and the mill are both the property of the National Trust. Above left and centre photos are the Mill Pond, on the right is Quarry Bank Mill itself.
The Mill again on the left, on the return walk to the car park we take a slightly different route through the woods. On the right the view across fields, the weather is glorious tonight. To see more photos of the Mill click here.


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Images Copyright Nicky Griffiths 2003-